Nighttime temps are rising / Avoid mowing your lawn too low / Ultra-Fine Oil / Keeping caterpillars away from the vegetables in your garden / When to apply post emergent and fertilizer in the Spring / Cold Spring could inhibit cucumber growth / Spring Festival of Flowers at PSC Milton Fri-Sun / Hurricane-pruning palms / Sweet Olive bushes that have bloomed can be pruned now / Rules for post-emergent application / Growing Peonies in Pensacola
Mike Wiggins joins PEP talk to discuss the weather, community events, the election and answers your questions on seasonal gardening.
Put ultra fine oil on the shopping list this week!!!! 4 Things we need to do for our shrubs this Fall: 1. Fertilize...
Planting plants correctly: 1. Loosen roots with a box cutter. 2. Set the plant a little above grade in the hole. 3. Use organic...